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Gender Affirming
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The McLean Clinic is one of the leading surgical centres offering patients gender affirming procedures to diminish feelings of gender/breast dysphoria.
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Plastic Surgery experience
Top Surgery
Gender Affirming
Surgeries Performed
There are a variety of surgical procedures available to patients who wish to align their body with their gender identity. At McLean Clinic, we offer our patients top surgery as well as body contouring surgery in order to achieve a more masculine physical aesthetic. Gender affirming care goes well beyond altering the body’s appearance. Studies have shown numerous positive physical and mental health benefits associated with gender affirmation surgery, including a reduction in suicidal thoughts, depression, gender dysphoria, psychological distress, and even smoking. It’s for these reasons that our team understands how important making this life-changing decision is for our patients.
By aligning your physical appearance with your gender identity, it’s undeniable that your overall quality of life is greatly improved. And the team at McLean Clinic is here to help you on your surgical gender affirmation journey.
When you’re transgender or non-binary, you are faced with a wide range of options regarding how to express your gender identity. While every person’s experience with gender is unique, one of the most notable options is gender affirmation surgery. For some, making this decision is easy—especially when struggling with gender/body dysphoria that impacts the ability to function on a daily basis.
While you don’t have to be in perfect health, able-bodied, or highly fit to be a viable candidate for gender affirming surgery, you should ideally:
• Maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle to make your procedure safer and recovery time faster.
• Be in a good place mentally and emotionally to manage this life-changing procedure.
Undergoing gender affirmation surgery is a major decision that takes a lot of preparation, both physically and mentally. During your surgical consultations at The McLean Clinic, you will be provided with comprehensive instructions on how to prepare for your procedure.
Body contouring and top surgery are outpatient procedures, you will be sent home a couple of hours after you wake up from the anesthesia. It will take a few weeks to recover after gender affirmation surgery. For a faster recovery period, make sure to:
Gender affirmation surgery is generally safe. However, like other surgical procedures, it comes with risks and possible complications including bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, anesthetic side effects, and dog ears. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s advice on how to prepare before your surgery and what instructions to follow afterwards to prevent these complications.
Request a ConsultationGender affirming surgery is a life-changing procedure. Unfortunately, transgender discrimination exists even in healthcare and being verbally harassed or misgendered can lead to a reluctance to seek routine or even urgent care.
McLean Clinic is reputed to be one of the most accepting clinics for the LGBTQAI+ community, not just in Canada but all over the world. Our years of experience have given us insight into how important gender affirming surgical procedures are to our patients and just how much it changes lives. Combined with the expertise of our surgeons, we have provided happy outcomes for thousands of patients. And with a kind and caring staff to take care of you, you’re assured of the safest and most comfortable surgical experience possible.
Gender affirming surgery refers to a combination of surgical procedures that help align your body’s physical appearance with your gender identity.
Surgery terms have evolved over the years. Today, most folks in the transgender and non-binary community prefer using the term “gender affirmation surgery” instead of “sex reassignment surgery.” This is due to the implication that SRS suggests a person’s gender changes when they have surgery. However, the procedure only affirms their true gender. Although the terms are different (with SRS being the outdated term), gender affirming surgery and sex reassignment surgery typically involve the same set of procedures.
Assigned females at birth who’ve had top surgery and body contouring, but didn’t undergo bottom surgery or have their uterus and ovaries removed, can still become pregnant if they wish.
You can expect the same level of care at McLean Clinic as anyone else. It is of utmost importance to our team that every single one of our patients has the best experience possible during their time with us. If you have any concerns about what to expect, do not hesitate to contact us.