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Many people cross their arms constantly or slump to hide their feminine chest while others undergo the FTM procedure. Another way to hide the chest is through binding. Chest binding is done to flatten the breasts so that the chest appears more masculine. Binding generally uses a compression garment or binder, and if done correctly will not cause back problems. However, if done incorrectly you will see major problems. Here are five tips to bind your chest safely.
1. Style
Do not use household items like duct tape, ace bandages or plastic wrap to bind your chest. This is very dangerous and can cause back problems, rashes, and other skin irritations. Professional binders are designed for chest binding and come in different styles. You may need to try several before settling on the one that works best for you.
2. Time
You should not wear your binder for more than eight hours a day. Although professional binders are designed for the purpose of chest binding, you still need to give your body a chance to rest. Remove your binder when you sleep and exercise, and do not shower with it on.
3. Powder
As human beings, we sweat constantly, especially if we are wearing tight garments. Before wearing your binder you can apply a non-irritating talc like baby powder to your chest to absorb sweat. This will help with chafing and prevent discomfort. It can also eliminate the odours associated with perspiration.
4. Size
Do not wear a binder that does not fit. You may think that getting a size smaller than you need will make your chest look even flatter but that is not the case. Wearing a binder that doesn’t fit will cause breathing problems, skin irritation, and major discomfort. The moment a binder starts to hurt, take it off. You want a flat chest, not horrible pain.
5. Surgery
If the pain of binding proves to be too much, even with professional binders, you should consider having the FTM procedure. This is a cosmetic or reconstructive surgery done to remove the breasts to create a masculinized chest. This surgery is not for everybody, but it can be helpful for those wishing to transition. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the FTM procedure or to set up a consultation.