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5 Things Caitlyn Jenner Is Teaching Us About Trans Confidence

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Trans Confidence

There has been a lot of buzz going on around the globe since Caitlyn Jenner bravely transitioned into her true self.

After much speculation, Caitlyn, formerly known as Bruce showed the world what confidence really looks like after revealing her gender identification earlier this year. A retired US Olympic athlete, Caitlyn won the 1976 decathlon title in the summer games, however she is probably best known for her role since 2007 on the show Keeping Up with the  Kardashians.

She was married to Kris Kardashian and has children who part of the Jenner-Kardashian clan (some of whom you might know: Brody Jenner, Kylie Jenner and the ever-changing Kendall Jenner). She’s even currently starring in her own reality show called I am Cait, which mainly focuses on her transition but also shows viewers a more intimate and personal look into her life.

If you know someone who identifies as transgender, it is important to be encouraging and supportive of them as you should be with all those you care about. Whether they have transitioned or are still in the early stages, their self-esteem might be at an all-time low depending on their family and friend circles. Plus, they might be scared of how others will treat them and about the judgments they will have to face.

As a friend, family member or otherwise, do your best to keep the atmosphere positive and remember that even though it may be a difficult time, it will get better.

Here are 5 things that Caitlyn Jenner is teaching us:

  1. It’s never too late to become who you are supposed to be.
  2. True, unconditional love will always be there for you. Good family and friends will come around even if not supportive at first and if they don’t, it’s not your fault. They are losing out.
  3. You can’t change who you are, but you can become happier by embracing it!
  4. You need to be courageous and strong to lead a happy life.
  5. You shouldn’t allow others to dictate how you live your life.

How you can make a difference:

You can make the difference by showing the world that there is nothing to be ashamed of – you should be proud of who you are (if you identify as trans) and who you know (if you know someone who identifies as trans). Caitlyn is today the most famous openly transgender person, but no matter who you are or where you are, you have the right to live your life freely. If you identify as a trans woman or trans man, find strength in resources such as support groups or by keeping a good friends-family network.

If you know someone who is struggling or would just like to know more information about the transgender community, there are many resources available online. Read our previous blogs, or talk to one of our staff members about advice sections available for transitioning people.