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3 Tips to Ease Anxiety While Transitioning

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Support System

The transition period for FTM individuals can be difficult without the proper support systems in place. Transgender individuals face a unique set of challenges that other don’t, and should must implement strategies to ease anxiety while transitioning.

Those around you may not understand the process of transitioning from one gender to the other. There is often a stigma that exists that can manifest as discrimination from strangers, co-workers, and even close family members. A lot of people even have the fear of financial repercussions through the loss of employment, which tends to be higher among transgender women. Knowing how to cope with these fears, whether warranted or not, makes the transition period easier and protect your long-term wellness.

Coping With Anxiety

The most effective coping strategies are those that emphasize adapting to the changing environment. The difficulties that many transgender people face can be an opportunity to deal with it in a way that is positive and strengthens them during this time.But this can be difficult for some who choose to avoid addressing the emotional turmoil that results from discrimination. It can lead to an emotional detachment that can limit the available support and lead to other symptoms, such as depression. Studies have shown that rates of anxiety and depression symptoms are greater among the transgender population when compared to the general public.

1. Establish a Support System

The biggest factor in easing anxiety while transitioning is to have professional and social sources of support. Although many face negative reactions from others, they also find that friends and family members often do support their decision in making the transition. There are also support groups that can be used in-person or online. Finding a group in your location provides an immediate connection with others who may face the same struggles. Therapists can also be powerful tools for you as you move forward during the transition period. Researchers have found that anxiety and depression can be eased through connecting with other transgender individuals.

2. Become and Advocate and Educator

Another way to ease the anxiety of transitioning is to be involved in the transgender community by becoming an advocate for others. Support groups are a great way to find valuable resources that you can be a part of. People have unique experiences depending on what stage of the transition they are in. You can help educate and support others so that they can also have the support they need.

3. Personal Development

Transitioning is something that occurs alongside the other aspects of your life. Making sure that you are continually working towards your own personal and professional goals during this time is key to easing the anxiety you may feel. Many people benefit from taking on a new hobby or setting new goals. Whether you want to learn a new skill, travel, or continue your education, these activities can greatly reduce stress and anxiety. New activities and skills lead to new opportunities to connect with others and grow your personal networks. You’ll connect with like-minded individuals who share the same interests and approach to personal development. These 3 tips will help you make your transition easier. You’ll learn to recognize the friends, family, and co-workers that you can depend on for support while building new connections that further grow your base of support. This makes the transitioning period easier and sets the foundation for long-term health and happiness