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Some scarring is unavoidable after FTM surgery. Your body will always heal wounds using collagen bonds and these bonds, when all facing the same direction, form scars. However, you can take action to make sure these scars are faint and flat instead of red and raised.
Why Some Scars are Raised
Scars become raised when the collagen does not form straight bonds. This happens often when a bond breaks and the body builds another one around it. It also can happen because bonds are in inflamed areas, because bonds don’t get enough circulation, or because of infection. Here are the ways to decrease your risks of collagen bunching:
1.Stay out of the sun
Sunlight damages collagen bonds in general but is especially rough on incision areas.
2.Get very light exercise
Heavy exercise runs the risk of re-opening your incision leading to more scarring. But getting no exercise at all is bad for your circulation and also leading to a raised scar. The best option is in the middle: light walking, for 15 to 30 minutes a day.
3.Drink lots of water
Water helps circulation and reduces inflammation making your wound heal cleanly.
4.Avoid alcohol and caffeine
This goes hand-in-hand with #3. Alcohol and caffeine dry you out making it harder to stay hydrated.
5.Quit smoking
Both nicotine, and nicotine withdrawal, make it harder for your body to heal. To reduce scarring, try to quit smoking eight full weeks before your surgery.
6.Eat a high-protein diet
Collagen is made from protein. If you eat more protein, you will recover more rapidly.
7.Keep bath water out of your incision
When having a bath, be very careful to not let your incisions soak in the water. It can carry bacteria and inflammatory particles with it.
8.Wear a compression garment
Compression helps you heal. The constant pressure breaks down lumps of collagen, leaving the straight strands. It also holds the incision closed so that the scar is narrow rather than wide.
9.Talk to your surgeon about scar gels
You may be able to use a scar gel, to protect your incisions as it heals. SkinMedica Scar Recovery Gel has been widely used for lightening and softening the appearance of scars.
10.Keep your arms at your sides
Do not try to reach over your head. If you have to go through an airport security scanner, explain that you are physically unable to do so. Re-arrange your home before the surgery so that everything you need is at counter level.